
Aura Equipements Software

Founded in 1986, Aura Equipment develops smart software that ensure close collaboration and perfect synergy between the client/server, Internet, or mobile applications running IBM i, Windows, Microsoft Office, Linux, or Unix.

Our software systems helps developers and companies to open their systems and applications to new technologies and to innovate easily and efficiently.

Offer a second life to your AS/400 operating system.

Keep benefiting from IBMi high performance and stability while offering ergonomic, powerful and easy to use business applications to your employees, customers or partners.

Design, manage and control the entire document flow processes from all your business applications.

Launcher helps you to optimize your document flow management and enhance business productiveness by automating document creation and distribution.

Interested ? Request a quote

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Trial versions

Download for free our demonstration version and get 30 days trial to make sure it fits your need.

Licence registration

Activate your licence now and benefit from all the functionnalities and technical support.


All the collaterals you need to integrate and deploy our solutions easily.

Machine change

You wish to change your IBM machine ? We change your licence accordingly.

Our Customers

More than 4,000 customers worldwide
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